Being one of the most active NGOs in Bulgaria, since 2000 Integra® Association joint following international projects under

Lifelong learning program (2007 - 2013);
Socrates Program;
Leonardo da Vinchi Program;
Joint Action Program - Ldv,Socr,Youth;
Community Action Program to Combat Social Exclusion 2002 - 2006;

Participation of migrants in further education

Socrates program, action GRUNDTVIG 2

September 2001-July 2003

Coordinator: Multikulturelles Forum Lunen e. V., Lunen, Germany
Partners from Iceland, Austria, Italy and Bulgaria

Final products/Results


The aim of the learning partnership was the exchange of experiences between teachers and disseminators in different European organisations for further education or organisations that work with migrants. The thematic main emphasis was put on the access of migrants to existing education programs in the respective organisations or countries.
The exchange of experience was taking place by means of mutual meetings of teachers and persons responsible in the field of education and migration and by means of new technologies.
The participants discussed about specific subjects that are fixed in the run-up.


Important points of the meetings were the discussions of the involved partners on questions how the continuing education organizations reach migrants or how migrants can be motivated for the continued education. In addition different organizations were visited on the spot, whose work busies itself with migrants and continued education. In all visits best practice-examples and ideas were gathered and given. During the meetings discussions on the areas "racism in the development working", "intercultural development", and antidiscrimination "and" migrant friendly continued education were carried out. There were ideas to this also through visits to other organisations in the respective countries. These discussions enable the development of new working extensions in the mentioned areas. These discussions enable the development of new working extensions in the mentioned areas.
Regional cooperation partners (continued education organisations, national or non-governmental organizations) were visited and included into the discussion. The project meetings enabled the involved partners also to an acquaintance with different national cultural facts as well as about the respective backgrounds and exogenous factors for the development working on the spot.

Final Products/Results

In the progress of the learning partnership a postcard was developed as a final product, related to the respective involved country and the corresponding language. Postcards were sent to development responsible and organisations to animate them to the subject matter "participation of migrants at continued education offers".

On 27.06.03, the learning partnership was presented on a special conference/session in the Multikulturelles Forum Lunen e. V. Subject of the session was the "Participation of migrants in further education". The involved partners presented the situation in their countries, themselves as well as different responsible and institutions and sensitise should to the subject matter "participation of migrants at continued education offer". For the session and for the documentation all partners developed their own part.
The development of specific thematic contributions by each partner was discussed and determined temporally and in substance. Subjects were: the labour market situation of migrants with especial consideration of women (Austria and Italy), development offers for migrants, continued education offers for refugees in refugees homes (Bulgaria), intercultural work in the continued education (all involved countries), migrants organisations and development working (all involved countries).

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