Being one of the most active NGOs in Bulgaria, since 2000 Integra® Association joint following international projects under

Lifelong learning program (2007 - 2013);
Socrates Program;
Leonardo da Vinchi Program;
Joint Action Program - Ldv,Socr,Youth;
Community Action Program to Combat Social Exclusion 2002 - 2006;

Strategies for Inclusion - co-ordinated approaches for quality employment Phase II

Community Action Programme to Combat Social Exclusion 2002-2006
Transnational Partnership

December 2003 - November 2005

Coordinator: Work Research Institute (WRI), Norway
Partners form Norway, Spain, Ireland, Scotland (UK), Germany, Italy, Finland, Hungary, Bulgaria and Belgium.

Final products/Results


The transnational partnership "Strategies for Inclusion - coordinated approaches for quality employment" exchanges, evaluates and disseminates successful pathways to obtain and keep a job.
The European Social Policy Agenda describes unemployment as the single most important reason for poverty. A job is also seen as the best safeguard against social exclusion by most Member States in their National Action Plans against Poverty and Social Exclusion (NAPs/incl). Unemployment increases the risk of poverty in all countries.


The partnership has therefore agreed to focus on inclusion through work. The partnership is working with different target groups: immigrants, long term unemployed, potential drop outs, prisoners, early school leavers without formal qualifications, women with low incomes and people with disabilities and health problems. At the same time the partners are working with very different situations, e.g. a low unemployment rate in Norway (90,571 persons = 3.8%, April 2004) and an unemployment rate in Berlin/Germany, which has been consistently high for some years (308,087 persons = 18,2%, April 2004).
This leads to the main issue of the partnership: To analyse and develop successful methods, effective structures and quality standards that will deliver good practice of coordinated approaches for achieving paid employment (incl. self-employment) for vulnerable groups. The partnership takes into consideration the fact that the different backgrounds of the partners are affecting a wider definition of the concept of quality employment. It covers paid employment as well as self-employment (also in the third sector, e.g. in cooperatives) and full time as well as part time employment.
The partnership receives funding from the European Commission within the frame of the Community Action Programme to Combat Social Exclusion 2002-2006. The exchange is co-financed by the Norwegian Directorate of Labour, the Norwegian Ministry of Social Affairs and the transnational partner organisations.

Final Products/Results

The partnership has already published 2 handbooks (handbook 1 and handbook 2) which describe several good practice examples from seven different countries and the policy background for the partnership. In the next months the partners will identify transferable elements in the good practice examples, which are relevant for different regional and national contexts and the social policies discussions. In addition new countries have joined the partnership and will contribute with their good practice examples and their experience.

Please contact the co-ordinator, if you would like to have more information:

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Read more about the partner organisations

On 1st-5th September 2004 a National workshop will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria. Click to read more...

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