Being one of the most active NGOs in Bulgaria, since 2000 Integra® Association joint following international projects under

Lifelong learning program (2007 - 2013);
Socrates Program;
Leonardo da Vinchi Program;
Joint Action Program - Ldv,Socr,Youth;
Community Action Program to Combat Social Exclusion 2002 - 2006;

“Game on”

Socrates program, action Grundtvig

September 2006 – October 2008

Coordinator: NTU: Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom
Partners from: Belgium, Greece, Italy, Romania and Bulgaria

Final products/Results


It is a common practice for government in many countries to invest in education and training in prisons. Until recently, education and training has been seen in many prisons as a means of keeping prisoners occupied, rather than providing them with the necessary skills for employment. There is a need to focus on meeting the learning needs of these people.


Project objectives are to: Create highly engaging and motivating e-learning materials and e-games in small, accessible units, to promote the development of personal development and work sustainability skills in the prisoners, ex-offenders, young offenders and young people at risk of offending. Reduce the multiple educational disadvantages experienced by prisoners with disabilities.

Final Products/Results

A suite of engaging and accessible e-learning materials and e-games, that offers learning outcomes in personal development, work sustainability skills and basic skills. The materials will be supplied with a tutor pack and tutor/student manuals.

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