Being one of the most active NGOs in Bulgaria, since 2000 Integra® Association joint following international projects under

Lifelong learning program (2007 - 2013);
Socrates Program;
Leonardo da Vinchi Program;
Joint Action Program - Ldv,Socr,Youth;
Community Action Program to Combat Social Exclusion 2002 - 2006;

ASLECT – Active Seniors Learn, Educate, Communicate and Transmit

Life Long Learning Program, KA4 Exploitation and Valorisation

December 2010 – November 2012

Coordinator: Centre for Professional Training in Culture, Romania
Partners from Austria, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Bulgaria

Final Products/Results


Active Seniors Learn, Educate, Communicate and Transmit project approaches the presence of senior people in cultural organizations, projecting on them a double perspective: as users/beneficiaries of educational and cultural programmes and equally as learning resources for developing such programmes. ASLECT will identify a series of Good Practices on Seniors Participation in Education and Cultural Life, will elaborate training materials aimed at helping cultural professionals work with seniors, will raise awareness on the potential contribution of seniors to the educational and cultural sphere.


ASLECT’s objectives:
- provide resources for strengthening the capacity of cultural and educational organizations to offer an adult learning and communication environment favourable for specific groups like senior people;
- create opportunities for retired professionals to use their experience/competencies and become adult educators for their peers and other interested groups;
- establish partnerships between educational and cultural organizations involved and other cultural and social institutions for sustainability of the practices once the project is over.
By involving
- cultural and educational professionals from public libraries, museums, cultural centres;
- seniors and seniors’ groups and organisations, volunteers agencies;
- decision-makers, researchers and practitioners from the field of culture and education.

Final Products/Results

Main outputs of the project:
  1. Seniors’ involvement in education and culture – a collection of good practices
  2. Training materials for cultural professionals
  3. Seniors as trainees - training activities for cultural professionals from the countries participating in the project
  4. Seniors as trainers – educational activities developed by cultural professionals
  5. Making seniors a community resource - a set of recommendations for cultural and educational organisations
  6. Learning resources for cultural organisations - a repository of online resources for cultural professionals
  7. Two international seminars with decision-makers and practitioners from the fields of education, culture, active citizenship and community development.
All materials are available on

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